Bridges & Barriers
Bridges and Barriers is the North Kelvin Sports Development Group’s successful anti-sectarian project that has been delivered across the north-west of Glasgow since August 2013. Our flagship program is back with a bang with lots of new and exciting news this coming school year. Due to the continued success and growth of B&B we are delighted to have added James Macaulay in 2022, in addition to Keaton Lawrence in 2023, both bringing a host of new skills to the team.
Bridges and Barriers is the North Kelvin Sports Development Group’s successful anti-sectarian project that has been delivered across Glasgow city since August 2013. Our flagship program has just come off the back of its most successful year ever with 2026 young people from 51 schools participating in the anti-sectarian awareness education through either curricular or extracurricular sessions.
Due to the continued success and growth of B&B we are delighted to have added James Macaulay as project co-ordinator in 2022, in addition we also have added a new project officer Keaton Lawrence in 2023.
The project has used our successful delivery model of promoting personal and social development by providing educational workshops alongside sports participation.
This has proven extremely effective as sport is used as an incentive and a reward for engaging in short educational workshops.
These sessions have proven to be extremely popular by participants and community partners as this entirely free service is delivered by respected staff who have developed positive relationships with the client group through sports participation in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.
We offer opportunities of participation through various delivery models such as, curriculum time, extracurricular, online delivery and sports leader training.
James is the Project Coordinator for our award-winning Bridges and Barriers project. He has brought with him relevant, progressive experience and a passion for developing community projects that deliver social change. James is aiming to create new and lasting partnerships with Active Schools Coordinators and schools all throughout Glasgow and beyond since joining as project officer in 2022.
James Macaulay
Bridges and Barriers Project Coordinator
James is the main coach delivering sessions but also manages all aspects of the project as well as the training and development of coaches and volunteers to deliver our sessions.
“I have brought to the team a wealth of experience in both coaching and development in community and performance environments. I have coached young people from the ages of 3-18 within different local authority’s and football clubs over the last 3 and a half years’. Alongside this I have participated in diversional work with young people combating issues such as drug, alcohol awareness and anti-social behaviour. During my time at university, I gained an honours degree in sports development from UWS. Within this course I have worked on a host of projects and modules including research into the history of sectarianism within Scotland and the impact it has had on modern society”.
“My time as project officer has provided me with a key insight into issues and mechanisms surrounding the subject. These experiences helped my own personal growth when dealing with the inner workings and day to day running of the project”. “I am excited to develop the project and reach more schools and children than ever before, ensuring I continue to grow the Bridges and Barriers Project”
Project Officer - Keaton Lawrence
Keaton Lawrence
Bridges & Barriers Project Officer
“Delivering Bridges and Barriers providing young people with education on a major issue in this city in a fun and interactive manner is a great experience. The sessions are tailored to be appropriately challenging but also engaging and create discussion among the young people. PE lessons after the education portion of the workshop provides an added incentive for the kids to fully engage in the lessons and it’s great for us to learn more about their personalities outside the classroom.”
North Kelvin United has always been an inclusive club that has promoted equality, understanding, and respect.
The football club has proven to be an excellent vehicle for delivering Bridges and Barriers workshops to young people and adults which has allowed us to instil the club’s values across the entire club.
Our educational resource packs, which have been approved for use by Education Scotland, have also been accessed by community football clubs across Glasgow and staff have delivered education and training on behalf of Glasgow Life, Glasgow City Council, Street League and the Scottish FA.
Bridges & Barriers Promotional Video
Ms Hamilton from St Benedict’s primary school (P7A) summed the benefit that then the sessions had on pupils attitudes to sectarianism:
“I feel like the children are becoming more aware of how they can learn from other people’s differences and they’ve shown an eagerness to learn more about others”.
Danielle Boyce, Classroom Assistant at St Paul’s PS (partnered with Whiteinch PS)
“Firstly, I would like to thank you for having St. Paul's along at the Bridges and Barriers every Wednesday, the kids really enjoyed themselves, as did I. Also, thank you for the invitation to the tournament on Thursday, they all loved it and it was great to see so many schools take part, and as you said, girls especially!”
“You have done great with this project and as football is a huge interest of not only the kids, but me, it was good to see the different views in which kids have and they definitely enjoyed engaging in conversations (and debates) around the subject of Celtic and Rangers! They loved working with Whiteinch, and they have made some friends there which is a bonus. They all got along great at the tournament as a team, which is something they struggle to do with one another in our school team, so thank you!! Once again, thank you and a huge well done to you all on the success of your project! Thanks.”
Arlene McClure, Deputy Head Teacher at Croftfoot Primary School
“Thank you for organising the festival and our all girl football team had a fabulous time! The girls have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the programme and we would like to continue working with you on it. Our P7 classes usually use the “Divided City“ book as a context for learning in term 3. If we could book in for the sessions starting in January as this would tie in with our theme. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards.”
Katie Moron, P6 St Bridget’s Primary
“At the start children were not aware of how serious sectarianism can be, they are now aware that words and actions can have a serious effect on their lives”.
Marie-Anne Watson, DHT, St Angela’s Primary School
“In St Angela’s Primary we were delighted to be involved in the Bridges and Barriers Anti Sectarian Programme in conjunction with our neighbours in Darnley Primary. This programme was delivered with such enthusiasm and commitment that it had a massive impact on the pupils involved. It very much increased their awareness of equality, tolerance and respect. Pupils who attended shared their experiences with their peers and we were only sorry that we could not have more in this worthwhile venture! I could not recommend this programme too highly, thank you, for all your support and input.
Ms Mclennaghan from St Convals primary school (P7) mentioned the benefit incorporating the divided city novel in our resources when discussing the pupils key learning during the project:
“The pupils have previously read the divided city novel and we have used some anti-sectarianism resources in class during that time, so by taking part in the bridges & barriers project has allowed pupils to further build more in-depth knowledge regarding the subject of sectarianism and its contexts”.